Distance Learning

Programs & Advising Pathways

Advising Pathway - Associate of Science in Teacher Education - Middle Grades

Degree At A Glance:

Number of Credits 62 - 73
Cost Per Credit $ 118
Total Tuition $ 7,316 - 8,614

Print Degree for Advising Pathway - Associate of Science in Teacher Education - Middle Grades

The mission of the Teacher Education program at Albany State University is to give the next generation of teachers the knowledge and skills that are essential for today’s learners.

Albany State University offers the two-year Associate of Science degree in Education, preparing prospective teachers to transfer to four-year institutions to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in education. A Bachelor of Science (four-year) degree is required before an individual is granted certification by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Program Contact Information
Online Specialist Distance Learning Schedule Now with Distance Learning 229-500-2907

Albany State University recommends the following course track for transfer students.
If you would like to use a different track, please contact your Online Support Specialist.

Must take ENGL 1101, ENGL 1102 and MATH 1111.

Course Listing for Area A Courses
Course Title Credits
ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3 hours
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3 hours
MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 hours

Select (1) one of the following courses: HIST 1002, COMM 1000 or POLS 1105 You must also select (1) one of the following as well: COMM 1100 or COMM 1110.

Course Listing for Area B Courses
Course Title Credits
COMM 1000 Cultural Diversity in Communication 2 hours
COMM 1100 Human Communications 3 hours
COMM 1110 Public Speaking 3 hours
HIST 1002 Intro to African Diaspora 2 hours
POLS 1105 Current World Problems 2 hours

Select one Literature course and one Humanities/Fine Arts course.

Course Listing for Area C Courses
Course Title Credits
ARTS 1100 Art Appreciation 3 hours
ENGL 2111 World Literature I 3 hours
ENGL 2112 World Literature II 3 hours
ENGL 2121 British Literature I 3 hours
ENGL 2122 British Literature II 3 hours
ENGL 2131 American Literature I 3 hours
ENGL 2132 American Literature II 3 hours
FREN 1001 Elementary French I 3 hours
FREN 1002 Elementary French II 3 hours
JAPN 1001 Elementary Japanese I 3 hours
JAPN 1002 Elementary Japanese II 3 hours
MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation 3 hours
SPAN 1001 Elementary Spanish I 3 hours
SPAN 1002 Elementary Spanish II 3 hours
SPAN 2001 Intermediate Spanish I 3 hours
SPAN 2002 Intermediate Spanish II 3 hours
THEA 1100 Theater Appreciation 3 hours

Non-STEM Major -- Students must take ONE science course in Area D. The additional TWO courses can either be math or science. Cannot use the following combinations for completion of Area D: BIOL 1110 and BIOL 111; BIOL 2107, BIOL 1110, or BIOL 1111; CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1211; PHSC 1011 and PHYS 1111 or PHYS 2221; PHSC 1012 and CHEM 1151 or CHEM 1211. Students who intend to teach math at the middle grades level must take MATH 1113 (Pre-Calculus) in Area D or F.

Course Listing for Area D Courses
Course Title Credits
BIOL 1110K Introduction to Environmental Biology 4 hours
BIOL 1111K Intro to Biological Sciences 4 hours
BIOL 2107K Principles of Biology I 4 hours
CHEM 1151K Survey of Chemistry I 4 hours
CHEM 1211K Principles of Chemistry I 4 hours
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus 3 hours
MATH 2411 Introduction to Statistics 3 hours
PHSC 1011K Physical Science I 4 hours
PHSC 1012K Physical Science II 4 hours

Select POLS 1101, one History and two additional courses.

Course Listing for Area E Courses
Course Title Credits
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 hours
GEOG 1101 Introduction to Human Geography 3 hours
HIST 1111 Survey of World History I 3 hours
HIST 1112 Survey of World History II 3 hours
HIST 2111 U.S. History Through 1877 3 hours
HIST 2112 History after 1877 3 hours
POLS 1101 American Government 3 hours
POLS 2101 Intro to Political Science 3 hours
PSYC 1101 General Psychology 3 hours
SOCI 1101 Introduction of Sociology 3 hours
SOCI 2031 Introduction to Anthropology 3 hours

Must take EDUC 2110, EDUC 2120 and EDUC 2130. Must take TWO courses from MAJOR concentration and ONE from Minor concentration.

Course Listing for Area F Courses
Course Title Credits
EDUC 2110 Invest Critical/Contemporary Issues 3 hours
EDUC 2120 Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspective 3 hours
EDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching and Learning 3 hours

**The Health & Wellness requirement may be fulfilled by taking one (2) two credit hours health or wellness course OR two (1) one credit hour health or wellness activity courses. Veterans of more than one year of active military service may be given credit for two courses of PE. ****Depending on your enrollment status you may be required to take ASU 1101 (1 credit hour) ASU 1101 is required for first-time college students or transfer students bringing in less than 12 transfer credit hours.

Course Listing for Above the Core
Course Title Credits
ASU 1101 First Year Experience/Pathway to Success 1 hours
HEDP 1161 Human Sexuality Online 2 hours
HEDP 1163 Personal Health 2 hours
HEDP 1164 Stress Management 2 hours
HEDP 1166 Drugs and Drug Abuse 2 hours
WELL 1161 Fitness I 2 hours
WELL 1162 Fitness II 2 hours

The following program details are intended to help you make an informed decision about the college that’s right for you.

Table of Completion Rates
Tuition and Fees Information Table
Tuition & Fees as of July 30, 2018
Tuition $7,316-8,614
Institutional Fee $225 / per semester
Technology Fee $65 / per semester

For more information on jobs related to this program, please click on the below links to the O*NET website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Table of related jobs to this degree/program
25-2023.00 Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School
25-2022.00 Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education

This program is designed to prepare graduates to pursue a job in this field or related fields. Although career and professional development services are available to students and graduates, finding a job is the individual responsibility of the student. We do not guarantee that any student will be placed in any particular job, or at all.

Total Credits (62 - 73 Hours)