Albany State University

Bachelor of Science in RN to BSN

Program Description

Welcome to Albany State University’s Department of Nursing, part of the Darton College of Health Professions! As a result of the consolidation between Albany State University and Darton State College, the NEW Albany State University is poised to become the premier medical education center of the southeast. We offer nearly the complete spectrum of nursing degrees and certifications, including the following:

ASU is a one-stop-shop for all of your nursing education needs, and we are thrilled that you are considering our institution to satisfy your desire for higher education. We are confident that you will find your educational experience here gratifying and advantageous throughout your professional career as our faculty guide, mentor, and support you throughout your matriculation.

As a student in the Darton College of Health Professions, you will have the opportunity to experience a diverse mix of courses in the fields of liberal arts, science, and nursing, all while gaining the education and practical, hands-on experience necessary to provide high-quality care in the dynamic healthcare environment. Now, simply click on the links on the page to start exploring each of our programs!

For complete information, core and coursework requirements, please see the Nursing Division's website at

The RN to BSN Completion program has limited enrollment and students are selected on the basis of the following: GPA of 2.7 or higher, completion of required nursing related coursework (with priority given to those with completed core classes), completion of Area D Science requirements, completion of requirements for Georgia articulation plan for associate or diploma level nursing coursework, proof of state licensure prior to beginning second semester of RN to BSN coursework, and possible interview with RN to BSN Coordinator.

Students who wish to be considered for admission to the RN to BSN Completion program must submit an application to the Nursing Office prior to the desired date of admission and date of deadline. Consideration for initial admission or re-admission to the program will be given after it has been determined that all admission requirements have been fulfilled. Readmissions are based on available space.

Applicants accepted for a designated beginning nursing class who do not enroll in that class must re-submit an application to the Nursing Office to be considered for a subsequent class. Accepted applicants who fail to maintain admission standards will be dropped before beginning the RN to BSN Completion program.

Program Advisors & Online Specialists

Program Advisor Jan Rodd (229) 500-2343
Online Specialist Distance Learning 229-500-2907

Additional Program Admission Requirements

The admission to the RN-BSN is a competitive admission. Students will be granted admission according to their qualifications and completeness of their application packet.

Applicants must:

  1. Be a graduate of a nursing accredited associate degree or diploma program in nursing.
  2. Have a current, unrestricted US Registered Nurse license (unless new graduate in which proof is required prior to second semester of RN to BSN course work).
  3. Obtain a Georgia Board of Nursing registered nurse license prior to enrollment into any clinical nursing courses (offered the 2nd semester).
  4. Meet all admission criteria for Albany State University and be admitted in “good” standing with the College. (Note: Admission to the College must be completed by the nursing application deadline)
  5. Have a minimum transfer core GPA of 3.0 (based on a 4.0 scale) to be considered for admission. (Note: Grades in Nursing and Science courses will be examined as part of the competitive application process) Lower division nursing course work may be utilized to configure GPA.
  6. Complete and sign the “Application for Admission to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Completion Program”.

(Note: Applications will not be considered complete unless all materials are received by the deadline (printed on Application form). These materials are described on the application and include: letters of reference, essay, and your signature). Upon acceptance into the RN to BSN completion program, a criminal background check will be required by the School of Nursing prior to any clinical courses. The student will be responsible for the expense of the background check.

  1. Print and use the recommendation forms supplied by Albany State University - Darton College of Health Professions. Form found on the Nursing website:  Ask the person writing the recommendation to place the completed form in an envelope with their signature on the back seal. Please return the envelopes with your application packet.
  2. Applicant must not have been excluded/dismissed from any other nursing program for any reason, including (but not limited to) academic misconduct, disruptive/unprofessional behavior, or program failure. A nursing course failure in another institution counts as a failure in this institution.
  3. A potential interview may be scheduled between the student and the BSN Program Coordinator after all application materials have been received. The interview may be used in the selection process of RN to BSN applicants. This interview is not a guarantee of admission into the RN to BSN completion program
  4. Health Requirements: After acceptance into the nursing program and prior to starting any clinical courses in the nursing program the following are required: (a) immunization requirements including measles, rubella, and hepatitis B; (b) tuberculosis screening; (c) current American Heart Association CPR for Health Care Providers' certification; (d) health professions student liability insurance; and (e) personal health insurance. Personal health insurance is a requirement of the Board of Regents for students in the health care professions. If a student does not have personal health insurance, they will be billed through Albany State University.
  5. Successfully complete 61 semester hours of core curriculum prior to acceptance into the program (see section 4.f. for Core Curriculum; see Albany State University Academic Catalog for details on specific courses).
  1. After successful completion of 7 semester hours of the RN to BSN completion program, 30 semester hours of equivalent credit for previous nursing courses will be awarded.
  2. For the Baccalaureate of Science degree, the student must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of academic work. The student must present 30 semester hours of residence instruction at Albany State University.
  1. Submit scores, not more than two years old, on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) if the applicant’s native language is not English.
  1. The TOEFL is not required of international applicants who have received a degree from an accredited U.S. institution.

Advanced Placement

Advanced placement for the RN to BSN completion program follows the articulation plan as described above. Credit will not be given for BSN level nursing coursework from other institutions.


The RN to BSN program is not an accelerated program

Part-time Study

Part-time study is offered as an option. Part-time students are required to follow the sequencing of courses and meet all pre and co-requisites for each course.


The RN to BSN completion program follows the Georgia RN-BSN Articulation model for entry and progression through the program. The registered nurse articulating to the baccalaureate level will be awarded 30 semester hours accrued from their previous associate or diploma degree. These credits will be held in escrow until the baccalaureate candidate successfully completes 7 semester hours of nursing credit. Credits held in escrow will then be added to the student’s transcript.

Admission into the RN to BSN completion program will follow the RN-BSN Articulation Program prescribed by the Georgia RN-BSN Articulation Plan (Effective December, 2003) as summarized below (also in Appendix E):

  1. Meet the program's admission requirements.
  2. Meet the program's general education entry requirements (Core Curriculum see Appendix B).
  3. Hold a current and valid license to practice as a registered professional nurse in the United States and be eligible for Georgia Licensure Professional Nurse license before beginning clinical classes.
  4. Meet testing requirements if applicable.
  5. For Associate Degree or Diploma Degree Graduates
    of nursing programs in Georgia:

· 0-4 years after graduation requires no testing/no clinical practice required.

· >4 years after graduation with 1000 hours of clinical practice in the prior 3 years requires no testing.

· >4 years after graduation with <1000 hours of clinical practice in the prior 3 years requires testing.

For associate degree and diploma degree nurses from Non-ACEN accredited programs outside Georgia (including outside the United States), testing may be required. Contact the RN to BSN coordinator for more information at (229-317-6892).


To progress through the RN to BSN completion program each student must attain a "C" (75%) or better to pass any nursing course and have satisfactory clinical performance. A student not obtaining a passing grade of a "C" (75%) in a course, or receiving an unsatisfactory grade in clinical performance, may repeat that course at the next available offering. Students may repeat one failed nursing course (“C” = less than 75%), but may repeat it only once and will be dismissed from the program if there is a second failure.

· Re-entry:

o A RN to BSN nursing student who voluntarily withdraws from the RN to BSN Completion Program must submit a request in writing for readmission to the nursing program along with a completed nursing application form at least one semester prior to the semester in which the nursing student wishes to attend. The candidate must meet all of the admission/acceptance requirements, including an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher in nursing courses that have been completed in the RN to BSN Completion Program to be considered. Re-entry occurs on a space available basis.

o Each student’s continued enrollment in the RN to BSN nursing program is based on physical as well as emotional health. Students may be referred to appropriate resources if they develop evidence of physical or emotional illness. If, in the opinion of the faculty, the student’s illness impairs their ability to implement nursing responsibilities safely, the student may be asked to withdraw from the program until the student can resolve the situation. Re-instatement will be considered on an individual basis by the nursing faculty and will require a request in writing. The student must meet all of the admission/acceptance requirements and re-entry will occur on a space available basis.

· Dismissal

o Failure to meet progression requirements will result in dismissal from the RN to BSN completion program.

o Unprofessional conduct, unsafe nursing practice(s), or unethical professional practice will result in dismissal from the nursing program.

The RN to BSN student is responsible for fulfilling academic and clinical responsibilities in an honest and forthright manner. The Albany State University Handbook contains a full description of these rights and responsibilities and the disciplinary procedures that will guide the action of faculty and administration should a candidate commit prohibited behaviors. In addition, academic dishonesty or misconduct may result in dismissal from the nursing program. Students will be required to read the Student Code of Conduct in the Albany State University Academic Catalog.


o Completion of the history and Constitution requirement for the State of Georgia.

o Successful completion of English 1101 & 1102 with a grade of C or higher for satisfaction of Regents’ requirements.

o Successful completion of all RN to BSN nursing courses with a minimum grade of “C”.

o Successful completion of 121 total semester hours which includes:

§ 61 hours core curriculum

§ 30 hours of articulation credit from an accredited associate or diploma program in nursing

§ 30 hours upper division nursing credit

o Students pursuing the RN to BSN must complete the program with five years of enrollment into the first nursing course.

Albany State University recommends the following course track for transfer students. If you would like to use a different track, please contact your Online Support Specialist.

Course Title Credits Term Grade

First Semester (9 hours)

Must Select: NURS 3620, NURS 3630, NURS 3640

NURS 3620 Pathophysiology for RN (RN-to-BSN) 3    
NURS 3630 Conceptual Basis of Professional Nursing (RN-to-BSN) 3    
NURS 3640 Health Assessment (RN-to-BSN) 3    

Second Semester (10 hours)

Must select: NURS 3600, NURS 4500, NURS 4510,

NURS 3600 Nursing Informatics (RN-to-BSN) 3    
NURS 4500 Community/Public Health Nursing (RN-to-BSN) 4    
NURS 4510 Research in Nursing (RN-to-BSN) 3    

Third Semester (8 hours)

Must select: Nurs 3650, NURS 4520

NURS 3650 Health and Wellness of Aging (RN-to-BSN) 3    
NURS 4520 Principles of Leadership and Nursing Ethics (RN-to-BSN) 5    

This program is designed to prepare graduates to pursue a job in this field or related fields. Although career and professional development services are available to students and graduates, finding a job is the individual responsibility of the student. We do not guarantee that any student will be placed in any particular job, or at all.