Institutional Effectiveness Survey Request Form

Personal Information:
* Name


Last Name

First Name



Confirm Email

Survey Information
Is survey sponsored (i.e., approved for distribution by supervisor and/or appropriate ASU administrators)? *
Survey Type & Use
Survey Type: *
This survey is a: *

List semester, month, and year.

How will survey data/results be used internally? Mark all that apply. *
How will survey data/results be used externally? Mark all that apply. *
Survey Sample & Distribution

Be Specific. (Examples: faculty, staff, undergraduates by level, graduates by level, employers, alumni, community-at-large, etc.)

Survey Distribution: *
If online, how?: *
Email Addresses: *

Mark all that apply.

Survey START date is: *
Survey END date is: *
Is survey publicity needed beyond email communication? *
Will you need raw survey data exported/extracted for additional analysis? *
Who will conduct additional analysis? *
What format should raw data be prepared? *

Examples: SPSS, Excel, Access, etc.

IRB Status: *
Copyright/Intellectual Property Status: *
Supporting Documents

Files are limited to 10 MB or less.

Document type PDF or DOCX

Document type PDF or DOCX

Document type PDF or DOCX

Document type PDF or DOCX